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THE Services

 Mind.  Body.  Spirit.

We offer a wide range of healing services dedicated to restoring balance and harmony to the mind-body-spirit connections while promoting overall wellness to help you lead a healthy, happy life. 

Provides a comprehensive treatment plan to address the root causes of substance abuse to aid in recovery. 

An aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine where needles are placed in pressure points to balance Qi and address a wide variety of health concerns. 

The use of conscious breathing to link the conscious and unconscious mind by infusing the body with oxygen and energy.

Chakras are our personal energy centers, sometimes they become stuck, blocked, over active or depleted. Balancing helps them unwind and promots healing.

Assesses the integrity of the spine including biomechanics and central nervous system while using gentle adjustments to facilitate and optimize natural healing and function.

In the relaxed hypnotic state, the individual is able to tap into the storehouse of information within the subconscious mind in order to create long lasting positive change.

Provides counseling and guidance through difficult life challenges for individuals, families and groups recommending external resorces as needed.

Provides education, support, information and assistance to expectant mothers while aiding in navigating the healthcare system.

Access your self-healing abilities to break repetitive patterns, release emotional memories, change faulty self-beliefs, stop self sabotage & resolve inner conflicts.

Helps process the feelings you are experiencing and get unstuck from the prolonged grief.

Taking the holistic path to esthetic treatments allows for a more therapeutic approch to beauty and wellness from the inside out.

Offers guidance and support for those looking to enhance their relationship and address any difficulties you may be facing.

A varity of modalities used to manipulate muscle and soft tissue to improve posture, reduce stress, and promote overall wellbeing. 

Individualized care to help you navigate life's challenges in your journey of self-discovery and emotional well-being.

Individualized care to help you navigate life's challenges in your journey of self-discovery and emotional well-being.

Offers guidance and support for those looking to enhance their relationship and address any difficulties you may be facing.

Professional Counseling - LGBTQ+ & Gender Identity

Provides support, guidance, and understanding in a safe environment for individuals in the LGBTQ+ community and/or thoes who are exploring their gender identity.

Through a system of light touch, energy healing restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the entire energetic system. 

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